Meltdown and Spectre

Heartbleed 漏洞的震撼还未完全淡化,Meltdown and Spectre 漏洞就带着更沉重的打击扑面而来。
相比造成 Heartbleed 的 OpenSSL 软件漏洞, 想要修复造成 Meltdown and Spectre 的 CPU 硬件漏洞,成本和难度要大得多,造成的副作用也更大。

去年七月底发现漏洞,核心在于现代 CPU 为了提高效率而使用的“推测执行(Speculative execution)”策略未合理处理中断(Interrupt)后的一级缓存( L1 Cache)。造成处于用户态(User Mode)的应用程序可以通过旁路攻击(Side Channel Attacks)访问内核内存(Kernel Memory)。

由于该技术普遍应用于各 CPU 制造商,影响范围可以称得上“空前”。仅从操作系统层面已无法修复,只能进行防御。甚至从 BIOS 固件层面也无法彻底修复,只能屏蔽。更恐怖的是,已经验证可以使用 JS 基于浏览器发功攻击。


Meltdown and Spectre
Reading privileged memory with a side-channel
Negative Result: Reading Kernel Memory From User Mode

Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution
Fantastic Timers and Where to Find Them: High-Resolution Microarchitectural Attacks in JavaScript

Mitigations landing for new class of timing attack
Actions Required to Mitigate Speculative Side-Channel Attack Techniques

About speculative execution vulnerabilities in ARM-based and Intel CPUs
Windows Client Guidance for IT Pros to protect against speculative execution side-channel vulnerabilities
Windows Server guidance to protect against speculative execution side-channel vulnerabilities
Important information regarding the Windows security updates released on January 3, 2018 and anti-virus software

Reading Privileged Memory with a Side Channel